Talks and Conferences
Invited Talks
- Clusters of circulating tumor cells: primary ‘bad agents’ of metastasis. 9th Annual q-bio Summer School, Fort Collins, July 2015
- Modeling the phenotypic plasticity of metastatic cancer stem cells. Annual Meeting of Society of Mathematical Biology, Atlanta, July 2015
- Looking at epithelial plasticity from a physicist’s perspective. University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, October 2014.
- United we stand, divided we fall: Advantages of collective cell migration to cancer. 8th Annual q-bio Meeting, Santa Fe, August 2014
Workshops/Schools attended
- 8th Annual q-bio Summer School on Stochastic Gene Regulation, Santa Fe, August 2014
- SERC School on Systems and Synthetic Biology, IIT Bombay, May 2012
Conference presentations (Posters)
- Stemness in the hybrid epithelial/mesenchymal phenotype. Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Stem Cells and Cancer, Ventura, February 2015
- Coupled cellular decision making of EMT and stemness: a bottom-up regulatory model. AACR Conference on Computational and Systems Biology of Cancer, San Francisco, February 2015
- Modeling the association between epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and stemness. 8th Annual q-bio Meeting, Santa Fe, August 2014
- Characterizing the hybrid epithelial/mesenchymal phenotype: collective migration of carcinoma cells. 1st Annual Bioengineering Graduate Student Symposium, Rice University, May 2014
- Partial EMT, Hybrid epithelial/mesenchymal phenotype and epithelial plasticiy: Role of (miR-200/ZEB) loop. 105th Annual Meeting of American Association of Cancer Research (AACR), San Diego, April 2014
- Tristable ‘three-way’ miR-TF toggle switch: The hybrid epithelial/mesenchymal phenotype. Meeting on Translating Cancer Data and Models to Clinical Practice, Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics, UCLA, Los Angeles, February 2014
- Tristability in miR-TF toggle switch: The hybrid epithelial/mesenchymal phenotype , 10thAnnual Computational and Theoretical Biology Symposium (CTBS), Houston, December 2013
- Mathematical modeling of global regulation of PCP in Drosophila”, International Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, Pune, January 2012
- Modeling the global regulation of Planar Cell Polarity in wing epithelium, 12th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Heidelberg/Mannheim, August 2011
- Keeping the hair aligned: Mathematical modeling of global module of Planar Cell Polarity, International Conference on Mathematical Biology, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, July 2011